| Tomorrow's World

Obedience vs. Grace?

Can we "earn" salvation by obedience to God? What does God's grace mean for Christians? Is it a "free pass" for when we sin, or is it a powerful tool to help us practice the Way Jesus Christ taught His followers? You need to know!

Restoring ORIGINAL Christianity!

For most people who call themselves "Christians," going to a worship service most Sundays is the single act that defines their religious commitment. True Christianity, however, is a transformative way of life that few today understand!

The True Gospel Proclaimed!

Most professing Christian churches today believe they are following the instructions of Jesus to "go into all the world and preach the gospel" (Mark 16:15). Many sincere efforts have been made to preach a nice-sounding message that God loves everyone, Jesus died to save sinners and that by accepting Jesus as your Savior you will go to heaven. However, what most professing Christians do not realize is that they have accepted a different gospel than Jesus and the Apostles proclaimed!

A "Way" of Life

Millions of people say they are searching for correct "standards" or "values." Some are trying out various "new age" belief systems, or different ideas and theories from pop-psychology. The pollsters tell us that many others are simply "picking and choosing"—putting together various ideas and practices from different faiths to create their own religion.

Blessings in Times of Famine

More than 6.5 million children die from malnutrition and hunger-related diseases each year. About 925 million humans suffer malnourishment (wfp.org, Fact Sheet: Hunger, 2011). In February 2011, food costs increased "the most in two and a half years" and "more food and gas price increases are in the pipeline" (New York Times, March 17, 2011).  In the face of these grim realities, many do not realize just how close the world is to unprecedented global famine. Many are not prepared for the ride of the black horse.
