| Tomorrow's World

Christmas: The Missing Message

What does Christmas mean to you? Does observing Christmas bring you closer to God? Or are "Christmas" traditions obscuring the wonderful truth of Jesus Christ's real message?

The New "Normal"?

For hundreds and even thousands of years, nearly all of the many Western value systems understood homosexual conduct to be against the natural order and the will of God. Yet, in recent decades, the move to tolerate, then accept, and then "normalize" the practice of homosexuality has become a major force in Western political and cultural life.

Why Does God Punish?

In this issue's lead article, I show from Scripture that God will chasten the American and British-descended peoples. "But," many will ask, "does the true God actually punish individuals and even punish nations?" That is something very few people truly understand. Yet your Bible is filled with the answers!

Islam: At War with Christianity?

From its inception, Islam has been a conquering religion, and Sharia law has become established as the code under which all aspects of conquered societies must submit. As the winds of the "Arab Spring" grow stronger, as political and financial pressures force the United States to "draw down" its Mideast military presence and as Islam becomes a more prominent force throughout the world, many Westerners worry about the growing influence of Islam and of Sharia law. So, what does Islam say about Christianity? And what does your Bible reveal about a coming war with Islam?

Who Guards the Guardians?

Octogenarian Rupert Murdoch's fall from grace was as swift as it was humbling. Back in June, the media mogul's News International television and newspaper empire was riding high. His Sun and News of the World newspapers and Sky Television were generating fabulous profits, keeping alive less profitable papers such as The Times and Sunday Times. Murdoch enterprises held a commanding position in the United Kingdom media marketplace—which, in turn, guaranteed Murdoch unprecedented power and access to leaders across society.
