| Tomorrow's World

Consider the Beaver

“In most places, a world without beavers is a world without water and the life it supports”
(Glynnis Hood, The Beaver Manifesto, p. 5).

The International Day of Peace

With violence and war all around us, will the International Day of Peace on September 21 make any difference?

Is God Alive?

In an increasingly secular world, is the existence of God doubtful, or even relevant? Can you know for yourself whether God exists? You can!

Pornography: The Dirty Little Secret

We live in a world of instant gratification at Internet speeds. Pornography is easy to find, and many find it hard to escape. With God's help, you can be free!

Is This China's Century?

With the United States waning as a superpower, is China poised to take its place? Bible prophecy offers an answer that may surprise you!
