| Tomorrow's World

Is God Sorry?

When I was a boy, my grandmother used to send our family copies of a Pennsylvania newspaper, Grit, which published only good news. Grit displayed news and features aimed at rural America, and climbed to a weekly circulation of 100,000 by 1900, and reached nearly half a million by its 50th anniversary in 1932. Grit is still printed today as a bimonthly magazine, and its memorably optimistic mission statement has remained with it through the years.

An Empire Rising Again?

Seven centuries before Christ, the prophet Daniel interpreted King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream about a great image picturing four kingdoms that would dominate the Middle East (Daniel 2). The fourth kingdom is widely recognized as the Roman Empire, with its final phase (the feet and toes) composed of a loosely adhering mixture of iron and clay. This end-time phase with links to the Roman Empire will involve a federation of ten kings that forms just before Jesus Christ returns to this earth (Daniel 2:40-–45). In Daniel 7 these same four empires are seen as “beasts.”

Enjoy It While You Can?

Thousands across America are rejoicing in recent Supreme Court decisions that seemingly validate the homosexual anti-God lifestyle. The liberal media are jumping in with both feet in proclaiming how wonderful it is that men can supposedly “marry” men.

Hope for a Suffering World

Those who believe the Bible understand that Jesus revealed that our world will face very traumatic times in the years leading to His Second Coming. Today, hundreds of millions of people around the world are suffering, and although many agencies and individuals try to help, the suffering continues.

Modern Lessons from Ancient Pompeii

This summer, tens of thousands of Britons have marveled at the British Museum’s “Life and Death in Pompeii and Herculaneum” exhibit, which powerfully depicts the conditions in 79ad just before those ancient Italian cities were destroyed by a massive volcanic eruption from Mount Vesuvius.
