| Tomorrow's World

Churches Without God.

A new Sunday Assembly “community group” recently began in London with the goal of encouraging people to “do good” to others. (The Times, September 16, 2013). Its “service” includes singing, music and taking up donations.

Saudi Cleric Calls for Muslim Unity.

Last week during the annual Haj in Mecca, Saudi Arabia’s Grand Mufti reminded pilgrims from all over the Islamic world, “to avoid divisions, chaos and sectarianism, without explicitly speaking of the turmoil in some Arab countries. ‘Your nation [the greater Muslim community] is a trust with you. You must safeguard its security, stability and resources,’ he said… ‘You should know that you are targeted by your enemy... who wants to spread chaos among you...

Islam Clashes with Judeo-Christians.

Attacks against professing Christians are rising as instability in the Middle East increases. “A pair of suicide bombers blew themselves up outside a 130-year-old Anglican church in Pakistan after Sunday Mass, killing at least 78 people in the deadliest attack on Christians….” (Reuters, September 22, 2013).

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