Is your life filled with happiness, contentment and success? The Bible contains vital principles that, when followed, can help you live the “abundant life” that God promises for those who live according to His word. The three programs on this CD reveal vital insights from Scripture that could change your life forever!
Your Bible describes a mysterious time called the "Day of the Lord." What will it mean for you and your family? The answer will become vitally important in the years ahead, as we approach the prophesied end of this age. This powerful CD will help you understand the Day of the Lord as you never have before!
Studying God's word can change your life! This exciting and information-packed series of lessons will show you, from the pages of your own Bible, clear and wonderful truths that most people today cannot even begin to imagine, and will draw you closer to Him than ever before!
For several years, scientists have used a person’s own stem cells to slowly grow replacement organs in an artificial environment (Live Science, September 24, 2013). Simple organs like skin, tracheas and bladders, with a person’s own DNA, have been grown and transplanted into patients—with no rejection effects! Regenerative medicine is now developing 3D printers to rapidly make new organs. The goal is to make complex organs like hearts, livers, and kidneys (ibid.).