| Tomorrow's World

Medical Evidence Supports Biblical Instruction: Don’t Eat Pork

Did you know that the vast majority of the world’s meat consumption (excluding fish) comes from just five animals? Yet the one that tops the list is also the only one the Bible expressly forbids: pork. Many are familiar with this fact, but few understand the reason—and the wisdom behind it.

Medicalized "Gender Transition" Called into Question

In April, the prestigious Economist magazine ran a story titled “The evidence to support medicalized gender transitions in adolescents is worryingly weak.” The article reviewed current research studies and highlighted trends in treatment. One major finding was that these transition treatments are seldom questioned in the United States.

Violence Against Teachers Is Increasing

In December 2022, students in a Nevada middle school assaulted a teacher who saw them sneaking in through an exit-only door (Wall Street Journal, June 4, 2023). As she told them to turn around, they slammed her face into a locker in the hallway. According to law enforcement, students in the school district have committed over three dozen acts of criminal battery against school staff so far this school year.

A Lesson From Jude—The Little Book With a Big Message!

Some people think of Bible prophecies as millennia-old warnings for the ancient people of Israel, but they were actually intended for a far wider audience—including Judah, many Gentile nations, and even we who are alive today. The ancient prophets, Christ’s apostles, and even Jesus Christ Himself gave prophecies about the end times, but few have heeded their warnings. The New Testament epistle of Jude, though one of the shortest books in the entire Bible, contains a very important prophetic message.

More Gentleness, Please and Thank You

The spirit of the modern age, at least if you pay much attention to news and social media, is one of protests and bullhorns, aggression and brazen demands, where the loudest and most extreme often seem to get their way. God’s word teaches a far better way, however, and emphasizes a virtue that is not very popular in our current moment in history, but which would nevertheless greatly benefit everyone in society—gentleness.
