| Tomorrow's World

North Korea's War Crimes?

Following a year-long investigation, UN investigators recommend “North Korean security chiefs and possibly even Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un himself should face international justice for ordering systematic torture, starvation and killings comparable to Nazi-era atrocities” (Reuters, February 18, 2014).

Gender Confusion!

“The concept of gender-neutral parenting first became popular among feminists in America during the 1970s” yet, it is still around (Daily Mail, February 14, 2014). One U.K. couple is raising their son as both a boy and a girl—leaving the ultimate determination of his gender identity to him. His 23-year-old stay-at-home mom commented “‘If Max wants to wear a pink tutu and fairy wings, then he can’...

Oughts and Ought Nots

We have all been told we “ought to do” this and we “ought not to do” that. Why? Usually it is because those doing the telling know of the consequences or potential consequences for not performing the right action. But who determines what “ought or ought not” to be done, particularly concerning moral issues?

Before St. Patrick...

St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated with green—green clothing, green food, green hair and even green beer. But there is so much more behind the history of Christianity in Ireland—history that shows Patrick, the English-born fifth-century missionary, to be a “Johnny Come Lately” at best.

The Ukraine Crisis: History and Prophecy

 In recent days, the world has focused its attention on events in the Eastern European nation of Ukraine. Many recent headlines have highlighted Russia’s apparent annexation of Crimea (and perhaps other areas claimed by Ukraine). American news agencies have mostly focused on President Obama and his response. Relatively few have examined Germany’s role, and fewer (if any) have considered how Bible prophecy can guide our understanding of this conflict.
