| Tomorrow's World

Healing Wounds

It was silly of me, really. There I was, walking along, running my mouth like a typical teenage girl, not watching where I was going, when all of a sudden, BAM! My shin smacked hard into a big rock in my path. How I missed seeing it, I still don’t know to this day. However, it was from that incident that I learned a very important life lesson.

What Is "Hot"? What Is Not?

The uses of words in our language changes and evolves constantly. Our burgeoning technology brings with it new words, some of which seem meaningless. Who knew what a “selfie” was until the ubiquitous smart phone made digital cameras and the transmission of photos so popular—particularly in conjunction with social media and YouTube, where one’s everyday activities are shared with the world? What else has changed?

The Reason for the Rearview Mirror

Some time ago, I was traveling down the interstate when a most surprising thing happened. We were in the middle of a snowy day (which is actually not the surprising thing, considering January weather in upstate New York, where my family and I lived at the time). What was surprising, however, was the cascade of snow, ice, and gravel that landed on top of our windshield just before we went under a bridge!

Darren Aronofsky’s Noah: Pro-Satan Propaganda

When atheist Darren Aronofsky’s movie Noah debuted this past week, many observers expected it to be biblically inaccurate, irresponsibly “creative” and filled with the promotion of trendy secular values. Few, however, expected the movie to be what amounts to a propaganda piece for the Devil himself.  Yet, hard as this may be to believe, that is exactly what the movie represents!

Men vs. God

Britain has joined the growing club of nations that have legalized homosexual marriage, including the Netherlands, Belgium, Canada, Spain, South Africa, Sweden, Norway, Argentina and others (BBC, March 29, 2014). Following the legalization, Prime Minister David Cameron wrote, “This weekend is an important moment for our country. It says we are a country that will continue to honour its proud traditions of respect, tolerance and equal worth” (ibid.). “Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg said ‘Britain will be a different place’ as a result” (ibid.). 
