| Tomorrow's World

Do You Seek God?

Is God real to you? Is He a vital presence in your life, or just some abstract concept that makes no difference? Are you applying the vital scriptural tools that can draw you closer to Him?

The End of War?

As the world reflects on the 100th anniversary of World War I this July, we wonder: will there ever be an end to war? Your Bible gives an encouraging answer!

2014 July-August Issue

The End of War?

  • John Meakin

As the world reflects on the 100th anniversary of World War I this July, we wonder: will there ever be an end to war? Your Bible gives an encouraging answer!


Do You Seek God?

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

Is God real to you? Is He a vital presence in your life, or just some abstract concept that makes no difference? Are you applying the vital scriptural tools that can draw you closer to Him?


Does the Sabbath Matter?

  • Richard F. Ames (1936-2024)

Why did God command the ancient Israelites to observe the seventh-day Sabbath, and what importance does His command have for Christians today?


The Sounds of Summer

  • J. Davy Crockett III

When activity is buzzing all around you, how can you keep your focus?


A Lesson in Kite-Flying

  • Lehman B. Lyons Jr.

What is the small-but-vital detail that can help you stay on course?


You Are Not Stupid!

  • Phil Sena

Have you ever thought of yourself as being less intelligent than others? Did other kids at school call you “dumb”? If so, how did this make you feel about your ability to learn and be considered a good...


Britannia Waives the Rules

  • Rod King (1949-2019)

The English suspicion of “all things European” harks back centuries—a suspicion certainly reinforced by the Spanish Armada, Napoleon and Adolph Hitler. For many Britons, there have been too many continental...


Are You Ready for Tough Times Ahead?

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

If you have been following world news, you surely know that the seeds are now being sown to bring about the prophesied “Beast” of Revelation! As Russian-sponsored men in black masks occupy and hold police...


The Ecumenical Delusion

  • Douglas S. Winnail

Throughout a history of nearly 2,000 years, Christendom has experienced various major schisms and spawned thousands of schismatic sects. Yet serious efforts are now underway to heal the divisions and bring...


Jennie's Garden

  • Stuart Wachowicz

North of the city of Victoria, on Vancouver Island, a famous landmark tells a story of transformation and hard work, showing how even in this troubled world, mankind is capable of amazing...


The Liquid of Life

  • Wallace G. Smith

One of the marvels of our beautiful creation is all around us—taken for granted and often unnoticed. In fact, sometimes we are looking right through it! Though incredibly common on our planet, it represents...


Questions and Answers

  • Editorial Staff

"Use it or lose it" is a vital principle for Christian living!


Appetite for Destruction

This summer is being called the “summer of destruction” by movie critics (CNN, June 10, 2014). A plethora of summer blockbuster movies boast abundant blood and violence—referred to as “destruction porn” by film critic Lewis Beale. In a recent editorial Mr. Beale chided the U.S.

Is God Pleased?

The Washington National Cathedral, “The most visible Episcopal church in the U.S. is hosting its first openly transgender priest [Cameron Patrick] this month” (Washington Times, June 9, 2014). “The Right Rev. Gene Robinson, the first openly gay Episcopal priest… [will] be presiding the same service” (ibid.).
