| Tomorrow's World

Are You Ready for Tough Times Ahead?

If you have been following world news, you surely know that the seeds are now being sown to bring about the prophesied “Beast” of Revelation! As Russian-sponsored men in black masks occupy and hold police stations and other key facilities in the Ukraine, the European powers are reminded of how impotent they really are. Having depended upon the nuclear umbrella provided by the United States since World War II, the nations of central Europe now realize that they cannot depend upon America’s support in the future.

The Liquid of Life

One of the marvels of our beautiful creation is all around us—taken for granted and often unnoticed. In fact, sometimes we are looking right through it! Though incredibly common on our planet, it represents one of the most remarkable substances in the universe. What is it?

You Are Not Stupid!

Have you ever thought of yourself as being less intelligent than others? Did other kids at school call you “dumb”? If so, how did this make you feel about your ability to learn and be considered a good student?

The Ecumenical Delusion

Throughout a history of nearly 2,000 years, Christendom has experienced various major schisms and spawned thousands of schismatic sects. Yet serious efforts are now underway to heal the divisions and bring the fragmented pieces back together. While this appears to be a noble, and even godly goal, few today realize that we are watching ancient Bible prophecies come alive—which will shock and surprise a misguided world!
