| Tomorrow's World

Is World War III Underway?

In a recent visit to a northern Italian cemetery, the Pope made some profound remarks.

Islamic State Eyes Mecca

Reports indicate that the Islamic extremists of ISIS are “planning to capture the city of Arar in Saudi Arabia” which is close to the Iraqi border and within a day’s drive of Mecca. The leaders of ISIS know that “if you want to control Islam, you have to control Mecca…ISIS knows the only way to enhance legitimacy among Muslims for its ‘Caliphate’ is to control Mecca” (The Times, September 26, 2014). 

Choose Wisely

When we make choices, there are always results and consequences. These can be good, neutral, or bad. Choosing to buy a red or a blue pen may have insignificant consequences. The difference between choosing to wear a long-sleeved shirt or a t-shirt could be large or small, depending on what it’s like outdoors—the choice of what kind of new car to purchase may not be nearly so small a decision. But sometimes the choices we make can be life-altering and even life-threatening.

A Better Way

The state school board meeting room was packed with standing room only. I was there to observe the proceedings and to show support for an application for a Charter School (a school open to the public that is privately funded and operated). The richly paneled room was equipped with the latest technology, including a large flat screen monitor so everyone could see those coming before the board and the board members as they responded. The meeting droned on for hours as the proponents of various educational matters presented their cases, pro and con.

Truth in Jest

There is an old adage that states “many a true word is said in jest.” This phrase literally means that the truth is often found in comic utterances. This expression has been around longer than we appreciate; it is also painfully true.

When this idiom first appeared in English it was likely used in “The Cook’s Tale,” written by Geoffrey Chaucer in 1390. Writing in the medieval dialect of Middle English, Chaucer stated: “But yet I pray thee be not wroth for game; [don’t be angry with my jesting] A man may say full sooth [the truth] in game and play.”
