| Tomorrow's World

Prophetic Trends for 2015

From wars to pandemics to astronomical marvels, what does God's Word tell us to watch for in the year ahead?

Will God Bless You and Your Finances?

While millions try to do it "my way" there is a time-tested way, "God's way" that brings untold blessings.

Spreading Ethnic Violence

Religious and racial violence continues to erupt around the world. In Nigeria, Islamic militants have killed or kidnapped hundreds of men, women and children and torched homes of people of different faiths. In Syria and Iraq, Shiites and Sunni Moslems are killing and beheading each other. In Canada, Australia and East Africa, Moslem fanatics have mounted attacks on non-believers.

More Blessed to Give?

“Research suggests that generosity is hardwired into our brains,” according to new research from Simon Fraser University in Canada (Wall Street Journal, December 24, 2014; NPR, December 24, 2014).

Ridley Scott’s Exodus is precisely that: Ridley Scott’s

What could Clash of the Titans—a mindless “popcorn flick” from 2010—possibly have in common with director Ridley Scott’s recent Bible-themed epic, Exodus: Gods and Kings? Something much more fundamental and revealing than you might expect. 
