| Tomorrow's World

Your Marriage CAN Be Happier

Are you and your spouse enjoying the kind of relationship you hoped for on your wedding day? The Bible offers vital tools for improving your marriage!

Three Hard Questions about Easter

What do modern Easter customs have to do with Christ’s death and resurrection?  The answer is in your Bible, and it may surprise you!

Easter or Passover?

Many people think of Passover as a Jewish holiday and Easter as a Christian holiday. But are they right? You may be surprised to find Christians today keeping the Passover as Jesus Christ instructed His disciples to do. Passover is very much a Christian observance for those who seek to practice the original Christianity taught by Jesus Christ and the Apostles!

Consider some of the reasons why the Passover is still observed today by those trying to follow Christ’s example, and why Easter is a man-made alternative that should be rejected by those who believe their Bible:

April Fools' Day Fools?

Pranks, practical jokes and general foolishness are the hallmark of April Fools’ Day, celebrated by many around the world on April 1st of every year. What is it all about? Is it just harmless fun? Are silly shenanigans, playful pranks or stupid stunts really harmless?

French Influence in Europe Waning

In a recent interview with The Telegraph, former Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti warned that France’s central involvement with the EU will continue to weaken it.  He observed: “In the last few years we have seen France receding in terms of actual economic performance, in terms of complying with all the European rules, and above all in terms of its domestic public opinion which is turning more and more against Europe” (March 21, 2015).
