| Tomorrow's World

Do You Err?

The Sadducees posed a question about the reunion of a woman to one of her former husbands after the resurrection. Jesus replied, “[You] do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God” (Matthew 22:28–29, KJV).

Playing Games with Demons

The entertainment and gaming industry is actively promoting violence and occult practices. Multiplayer and role-playing video games with demonic themes are attracting millions of players and generating billions of dollars in profits (Forbes, July 19, 2014).

Saudis Flex Muscles in Middle East

A recent BBC report notes, “Something is stirring in Saudi Arabia. Gone is the historically conservative, don’t-rock-the-boat, tip-toeing approach to the big strategic issues of the Middle East. In its place has come a new, assertive attitude that is seeing the oil-rich kingdom set off on previously untried and risky ventures” (BBC, August 8, 2015).

Sabre Rattling over “The Rock”

“The British government on Sunday accused Spain of violating its sovereignty over Gibraltar, saying Spanish state vessels had repeatedly and unlawfully entered its territorial waters without notifying it. The row is the latest in a long line of diplomatic spats between Britain and Spain over the territory, which was ceded to Britain about 300 years ago but which Spanish authorities now want to reclaim” (Reuters, August 9, 2015).

California tinder Box

California’s prolonged drought is breeding fires! “As firefighters battled a massive Northern California wildfire threatening numerous homes” 13,000 people were urged to move to evacuation shelters (Associated Press, August 4, 2015). “At least 39 homes and 52 outbuildings have now been destroyed by an unruly Northern California wildfire” (San Francisco Gate, August 5, 2015).
