California tinder Box | Tomorrow's World

California tinder Box

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California’s prolonged drought is breeding fires! “As firefighters battled a massive Northern California wildfire threatening numerous homes” 13,000 people were urged to move to evacuation shelters (Associated Press, August 4, 2015). “At least 39 homes and 52 outbuildings have now been destroyed by an unruly Northern California wildfire” (San Francisco Gate, August 5, 2015). “Firefighting officials said crews made some progress on Tuesday… Teams were able to build a buffer between the flames and some of the estimated 6,900 homes it threatens” (The Guardian, August 5, 2015). More than twenty wildfires are burning in California (Fox News, August 3, 2015).

Jeremiah prophesied that extreme drought will come upon the Israelite-descended nations. “They went to the cisterns and found no water… Because the ground is parched, for there was no rain in the land, the plowmen were ashamed… O LORD… our iniquities testify against us… we have sinned against You” (Jeremiah 14:3-7). Droughts will worsen as the end of the age approaches (Matthew 24:7). But after Christ’s return, there will be no more drought on people who obey God as even the deserts “blossom as the rose” (Isaiah 35:1). For more about weather in the end times, read Who Controls the Weather?