| Tomorrow's World

New Deadly Disease In South America and Caribbean

“A virus believed to cause under-developed brains and skulls in newborn babies has sparked a public health emergency in Brazil and the Caribbean. The Zika virus, a mosquito-borne disease similar to dengue fever, was first identified on Easter Island, Chile in February last year and has spread to Brazil, Columbia and the Caribbean” (The Independent, November 19, 2015).

Global Drought Conditions

California, the most populous state in America with 40 million people, is in the fourth year of a record-breaking drought with nearly half of the state showing extreme to exceptional drought conditions (U.S Drought Monitor, November 10, 2015).

Where is God?

The spread of terrorism and recent attacks in France, the daily stabbings in Israel and the turmoil, suffering and death in the world, even religious leaders are questioning their faith.

A Hole in the Fence

The dominant crisis now on the world scene is the massive influx of refugees crushing in on the borders of Eastern European nations. Tens of thousands of oppressed peoples from the Middle East and Northern Africa are clamoring to get into these countries. Most want to get to the European Union, which has accepted over half a million migrants and is now balking at accepting more. This intense pressure, financially and culturally, may reveal cracks in the fabric of the E.U. as member nations try to absorb the massive influx of poor, desperate people.

The Ant

Did you ever sit and watch ants scurrying about? They are tiny creatures and most of us regard them as nothing but pests. We certainly do not invite them to our picnics or into our homes. Did these tiny insects evolve, or were they created by a brilliant Designer?
