| Tomorrow's World

Hezekiah's Seal and Sennacherib's Prism

An exciting discovery of biblical and historical importance was recently made in an ancient dumpsite in East Jerusalem. Controversy has swirled around this discovery, as around other archeological discoveries in Israel, because many enemies of Israel and skeptics of the Bible often see archaeological digs as attempts either to uphold Jewish claims to the Holy Land or to uphold the authority of the Bible. However, despite the critics and the skeptics, this recent discovery tells a piece of ancient and true history, and we see yet again another piece of evidence validating the inerrancy of Scripture.

Germany’s Growing Global Role

“In a meeting with German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier in Baghdad on Monday, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi requested that Germany play a more active role in the fight against the so-called ‘Islamic State’ (IS). The dpa news agency reported that the Iraqi premier had in particular asked the German government to provide help with troop training” (Deutsche Welle, December 7, 2015).

King Hezekiah's Seal Found

Critics like to claim that the Bible is only a collection of myths and legends, yet archaeologists digging near the Temple Mount in Jerusalem have found a clay impression of the royal seal of the biblical King Hezekiah. The seal reads “Belonging to Hezekiah (son of) Ahaz, king of Judah” (biblicalarchaeology.org, December 3, 2015).

The UK Must Be De-Christianized!

Mainstream Christianity is under fire around the globe, even in traditionally “Christian” nations. This week, a new report underscored the growing marginalization of traditional Christianity in the United Kingdom. “A two-year commission, chaired by the former senior judge Baroness Butler-Sloss and involving leading religious leaders from all faiths, calls for public life in Britain to be systematically de-Christianised.

The Bible: Fact or Fiction & Do you really want to eat that?

Is the Bible just a collection of myths and legends, or is it the inspired word of God? Many assume that modern scholarship has discredited the Bible, but the facts of history — and the discoveries of archaeology — confirm its contents to be true! The Bible recounts the past with amazing accuracy — and it predicts the future like no other book! Most of the world has been misled and misinformed about the Bible. You need to understand the truth — and how it can affect your life!
