| Tomorrow's World

Questions and Answers

What is an “antichrist”?

What Is the Best Teacher?

How often most of us have heard others say, “Experience is the best teacher.” But is it? Experience is certainly one way to learn, and for many it is a sure teacher. This is because experience is often painful, and we generally do not want to repeat what is painful. However, some people never seem to learn! They continue to repeat the same mistakes over and over again. You probably know someone like that.

Can We Create Another Earth?

The Bible tells us that, before man was created, our planet was “without form and void”—an utter ruin and an uninhabitable wasteland (Genesis 1:2). Yet God restored it and made it a beautiful paradise for humanity, filled with life, in only six days. He then declared all He had wrought to be “very good” (Genesis 1:31) and rested from the work of creation on the seventh day—His work complete.

The Balfour Declaration Turns 100

British intervention in the history of the Jewish people continues to impact the world a century later.

Gjoa Haven, Nunavut

Sometimes we put our faith in the wrong things, and the right things surprise us!
