| Tomorrow's World

Looking Beyond Perverse Entertainment

As I watched a news report about yet another male public figure fall to accusations of sexual misconduct, I paused to wonder about where these scandals lead. But more importantly, where do they start?

Why Get Drunk?

In a few hours, the world will celebrate New Year’s Day, and many people will be drunk on these occasions—“just for fun.” But sometimes, the consequences are not so funny. Many people get headaches. Quarrels arise among friends and families. Others will end the night at the hospital—and some will “finish the party” at the mortuary because they died in a car accident caused by driving under the influence of alcohol.

The Power of Congregational Singing!

Researchers at the University of East Anglia have discovered something important that many churchgoers already know: Singing in a group is not only enjoyable, but also improves one’s mental health (BBC, December 21, 2017)!

Russian Orthodox Leader Predicts the End of History

In recent statements, “the leader of the Russian Orthodox Church said… the world is on the brink of slipping into ‘the abyss of the end of history’” (Newsweek, November 21, 2017). He continued by warning his congregants that the coming end of the age—the apocalypse—is currently “visible to the naked eye.” However, this Russian cleric is not alone in his dire predictions.

Marijuana: Is There Any Good Reason to Get High?

 In Part 2 of our series about marijuana, we examine the arguments some make that legalized pot can be beneficial to individuals and society.
