| Tomorrow's World

The Coming One-World Government!

Since the Tower of Babel, many have tried and failed to establish a single, global government. Yet the Bible prophesies that one-world government is coming!

Remembering the Berlin Airlift

In June 1948, the Soviet Union blockaded the divided, war-ravaged city of Berlin. Resentful of Allied plans for German reunification, they closed the capital’s roads, railways and rivers. Ever the ruthless provocateur, Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin hoped his former allies would abandon their half of the city. Then, with complete control over Berlin, the Soviets could gain a major victory over the West.

A Coming Universal Church?

This week Pope Francis made a highly anticipated visit to the World Council of Churches (WCC) headquarters in Geneva. In an earlier interview, Evangelical pastor Martin Robra, a senior WCC official, commented, “[I]t looks as if we have reached a new spring with Pope Francis and his initiatives” (Vatican News, May 31, 2018). He stated further that “there is so much more that unites us than what separates us.” Concerning the future, Mr.

And Now—Disease X

Public health officials are preparing for what they call “Disease X”—a hypothetical disease that would be virulent and infectious, with the potential to become a pandemic (a worldwide epidemic) and kill large numbers of people (The Economist, March 23, 2018). This disease might be manmade, a brand-new disease or a genetic variant of an existing disease.

2018 July-August Issue

The Coming One-World Government!

  • Richard F. Ames (1936-2024)

Since the Tower of Babel, many have tried and failed to establish a single, global government. Yet the Bible prophesies that one-world government is coming!


Abortion: The Real Story, Part 2

  • Gerald E. Weston

The number of people realizing the truth about abortion is growing. Is there hope for those who have already made the mistake of having an abortion?


What Is Prophesied for Germany?

  • Rod McNair

Germany has arguably become the most powerful nation in Europe. Bible prophecy describes Germany’s future and its impact on the world.


The "This Is Us" Effect

  • Lawrence Taylor (guest columnist)

“Toxic masculinity” or masculine leadership?

The High Cost of High Intensity

The High Cost of High Intensity

  • Phil Sena

Entertainment is not what it used to be. But are we paying a price for the “upgrade”? For example, compare the recent DC films to the 1960s “Batman” television series. Some modern superhero ensembles such...


A Better “Revolution”!

  • John Meakin

Many recently celebrated the anniversary of the birth of Karl Marx and his radical ideas. But was his the revolution the world truly needs?

Gerald Weston

Why Free Speech Matters

  • Gerald E. Weston

The United States and many other Western nations are at a crossroads. Free speech is dying, and if it dies, so will many other things.

"A Blessing to All Nations"

"A Blessing to All Nations"

  • Douglas S. Winnail

Why did some nations emerge and thrive at a specific point in time, while others remained quite primitive and mired in poverty? How did tiny Britain manage to assemble a global empire, and why did America...


Winnie the Pooh: A Little Child Shall Lead Them

  • Jonathan Riley

As the story goes, a young lieutenant travelled east from Winnipeg in August 1914, at the start of World War I. Harry Colebourn, a veterinary surgeon, was on his way to join the Canadian...


Octopus: An Alien in Our Oceans?

  • Wallace G. Smith

Believe it or not, some scientists suggest that the octopus is not originally from Earth! What can we learn from this remarkable creature?

Questions and Answers

Questions and Answers

  • Editorial Staff

Lazarus and the Rich Man

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

  • Editorial Staff

Thank you. I was asking God to reveal to me the one true church that leads to Him. I never asked Him this before now. Here you are as an answer. [Written in response to the free booklet,...

