Mark Sandor | Tomorrow's World

Mark Sandor

Use the Tool of History

Happy father, mother and daughter

What can we learn upon a closer inspection of history? Facts matter—especially when grounded on biblical truth!

Your Child’s "Hedgehog"

Happy father, mother and daughter

Great blessings flow from working according to the crucial principles of God’s commandments.

Teaching Humor

Teaching Humor

Just because something seems funny doesn’t mean it’s good. Help your children develop the right kind of humor that everyone can enjoy!

Thinking Biblically About Entertainment

Boy with remote father in background

We all need to relax our brains sometimes—but can we afford to turn them off?

Thinking Biblically About Entertainment

One of the most important principles that anyone aspiring to follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ can apply is to think biblically about any given topic—to keep our brains turned on and “tuned in” to what the Bible has to say. And one very important area of life where this principle can be applied is in regards to entertainment.
