| Tomorrow's World

King of the Arctic

King of the Arctic

The polar bear is a remarkable animal to behold—a creature of fascinating design that demonstrates the intelligence of its Creator.

An Arab NATO?

American President Donald Trump is facing criticism again as he plans for a fall meeting of the group of six Persian Gulf states, including the UAE and Saudi Arabia, plus Egypt and Jordan, hoping to forge what some have called an “Arab NATO” (Deutsche Welle, July 29, 2018). The purpose of this group would be a military alliance to counter Iran and other extremist groups, and bring peace and stability in the Middle East.

Can We Think of Eternal Life as a Tangible Asset?

Can We Think of Eternal Life as a Tangible Asset?

What should you be investing in?

When I was in high school, I was in a one-act play that reached the state finals. Our last competition started at 9:00 p.m. on Friday evening. As a Sabbath-keeper, I wasn’t able to participate. “Can’t you miss church once?” one girl from our cast asked me, casually adding, “God would understand.”

If I Were a Rich Man…

If I Were a Rich Man…

What is your best investment?

What if money were no object? Who hasn’t had this question put to them by a friend or acquaintance? What would be your answer? Would you decide to travel, buy a house or pay off your mortgage? Would you “party hearty,” or would you bank a sizable sum?

Folks in our Western culture often admire others who are financially successful. However, just because someone has made money doesn’t necessarily mean they have it made.

Five Prophecies for the Middle East

Five Prophecies for the Middle East

Bible prophecy points us to look to the Middle East as the end times approach! These five prophecies provide details you can watch for before the return of Christ.
