| Tomorrow's World

Global Hunger Is Still Increasing!

A new United Nations study reports that “821 million people globally were undernourished in 2017—about one person in every nine. And nearly 151 million under-fives—22% of the global total—have their growth stunted by poor nutrition” (BBC, September 11, 2018). Experts say increasing weather extremes, increasing global conflicts and increasing violence are all to blame for the growing hunger situation. This is now the third consecutive year of rising global hunger.

India “Freed” from God’s Law!

In the mid-1800s, the expansion of the British Empire spread the knowledge of many Bible-based laws to peoples in British colonies around the globe. One such law made homosexual relations illegal, labeling them as “unnatural acts.” The former British colony of India recently overturned this law that had been in place for nearly 200 years.

Shofar, So Good!

The shofar trumpet mentioned in the Bible was made from a ram’s horn. It was blown by the priests of God for various purposes. Like today’s siren, which makes a loud, attention-getting sound, the blast of the shofar also demanded people’s attention. Those who heeded could say, (pardon the pun), “shofar, so good!” and be saved from serious injury or death. However, if people heard the warning but failed to take heed, they would suffer the consequences.

Shame of Face

For anyone keenly observing today’s world scene, an undercurrent of shamelessness soon becomes very clear. You’ll see it in everything. Political shenanigans, movies, popular music, and—this being the “Information Age,” after all—the “blogosphere,” where anyone can air his or her views, gripes, and opinions, without reservation. And this culture is becoming more disturbing all the time.

Faith or Fear?

People have all kinds of fears. Even the bravest among us, though they may not like to admit it, have a fear or two lurking in their minds. Whether it be a common one, like the fear of public speaking (Glossophobia), or a quirky one, like the fear of clowns (Coulrophobia), fears are unpleasant. What are you afraid of?
