| Tomorrow's World

Beware of the Dogs

Many have seen the warning signs on a fence or door: “Beware of the dog.” Dogs can be vicious and dangerous, even the snippy little “ankle biters.” Did you know that the Bible warns Christians to “beware of dogs”?

Many of us love our furry friends. Dogs are often called “Man’s best friend,” and they are certainly wonderful companions and servants. Dogs serve mankind in many ways, whether as simple companions barking when someone knocks on our door, or as guide dogs, police dogs, rescue dogs, or trackers and detectors of drugs or explosives.

Billion Oysters Project Aims to Save New York Harbor

New York Harbor has been highly polluted for decades—so polluted that its marine life has been greatly depleted (CNN, January 17, 2019). Many ideas have been considered to restore the health of the harbor, and one organization is actively working to do this by reintroducing oysters into the ecosystem. So far, the Billion Oyster Project has “restored about 30 million oysters to local waters.

Saudi Arabia’s Ballistic Missile Project

Experts believe Saudi Arabia is testing and possibly manufacturing ballistic missiles at a military base deep within the country’s borders (Times of Israel, January 26, 2019). “The November satellite images show what appear to be structures big enough to build and fuel ballistic missiles.

The Biblical Holy Days, Part 1

Why do most professing Christians observe holidays that were never kept by Jesus and His Apostles, that are steeped in pagan traditions; and at the same time, forsake the observance of the Holy Days found in the Bible and that Jesus kept?  Does it matter which days we observe as long as we get time off work, go to parties, and enjoy wonderful meals with family and friends? The answer is simple.  It does matter! 

Does Marriage Matter?

Few aspects of life have undergone more change in both perception and behavior in recent decades than the institution of marriage. Behaviors that were once considered shameful are now considered normal. Isn't it time we ask: Is the direction we chose working? Has our new morality, or better yet, lack of morality, left us better or worse?  Is it not time to re-evaluate? Does marriage matter?
