| Tomorrow's World

To Live Longer, Make Your Mate Happy

Society has long known that your choice of mate will have a powerful impact on your future. A new study at Tilburg University in the Netherlands sheds even more light on the importance of choosing a future mate wisely.

Attacks on British Police

A recent study of British police officers revealed some startling results: “Eight out of ten police officers have been physically attacked and a third suffered injuries last year” (The Times, July 1, 2019). During 2017–2018, there was a 20% rise in assaults on police officers—over 26,000 in total. One third of police surveyed reported assault injuries so severe that they needed medical attention.

Letters to the Editor

I just wanted to thank you and let you know how much I am enjoying all the free literature and DVDs that I have received. I am learning so much more than I already knew. Thank you for preaching and informing people of the truth. I really appreciate everything. God bless and keep up the great work!
Subscriber in Louisiana

I want you to know how much we appreciate your Tomorrow’s World Magazine! It is so informative, and my husband and I read it from cover to cover. Keep up the good work and may God bless you all richly.
Readers in Canada

Questions and Answers

What’s wrong with “Jesus pictures”?

Question: As much as Tomorrow’s World claims to be a Christian organization, I have never once seen it use any pictures, artwork, or graphics depicting Jesus Christ, even though many other religious publications do. Why is that?

Answer: Although artists have long depicted Jesus Christ, and fanciful images of Him abound today—in and around cathedrals, churches, art museums, literature, religious documents, and in peoples’ homes—they are most certainly false representations.

Then Comes Sudden Destruction

It’s popular to say that if you put a frog in a pan of water and slowly turn up the heat, you can boil him before he knows to jump out of the pan. Not having tried this myself, I cannot confirm the truth of this common claim, but I suspect it is no more than “an old wives’ tale.” Why we blame old wives for every fictitious tale, I do not know. But, laying that aside, let’s get back to the frog.
