| Tomorrow's World

The Great Riot

They came from many miles away, descending on the agreed-upon location. The many peoples gathered together as a raging throng. They brought with them an impressive array of guns and firepower. Their goal was simple: to resist perceived oppression. Even more—to throw off the rule of their masters. In their minds, they had suffered enough at the hands of this regime. They viewed themselves as oppressed and downtrodden—prisoners and slaves even. The stage was set for the confrontation and what would be the greatest riot—except that it was very short-lived.

Cannibal Rats Emerging in Cities

It appears that the COVID-19 pandemic has affected more than just people and the economy. New research by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is warning of “‘unusual or aggressive’ behavior in American rats as a consequence of more than two months of human lockdown” (The Guardian, May 25, 2020). Urban rats that normally feed on food waste from restaurants and trash in the streets no longer have these food sources available to rely on.

Behind the Cloak of COVID-19

For the last few months, the novel coronavirus pandemic has seemed at times like a cosmic black hole: It has relentlessly consumed everyone’s attention—especially in the media. Turn on the television or radio, scan headlines on the web, or swipe through the news on your phone, and COVID-19 often dominates the headlines and discussion. However, behind the ominous, ever-present cloak of the virus, the world is suffering from numerous other calamities.

2020 July-August Issue

Crashing wave over a man running into the sunset

A Perfect Storm

  • Gerald E. Weston

How the perfect storm arrived in 2020 and why we’re not ready for the one biblical prophecy says is yet to come!

Open bible on a table white background

Who Changed the Sabbath to Sunday?

  • Richard F. Ames (1936-2024)

Your Bible shows plainly that Jesus Christ and the early church observed the seventh-day Sabbath. So did His first followers. Yet today, the vast majority of those calling themselves “Christian” worship on...

boy in flannel shirt drawing on a chalk board

Misguided Education and the Decline of Western Civilization

  • Douglas S. Winnail

The Western nations are drowning in a rising tide of social pathologies—violent crime, increasing incivility, political corruption, unsustainable debt, widespread drug abuse, depression, and suicide. People...

Sunrise over a field

"If My People Would Humble Themselves..."

  • Rod McNair

In a world where humility is on the decline, we need it more than ever.

Dog with head turned sideways white background

A Lesson From My Dog

  • Lawrence Taylor (guest columnist)

Sometimes, we need to listen to our four-legged friends.

Family photo

Should We Kiss Dating Hello?

  • Jonathan McNair

Many parents look for good, practical guidance that can help us steer our children through their formative years. In particular, how should we help our children lay the groundwork for godly relationships...

Big Ben

The Mayflower: Ship That Launched an Empire

  • Peter G. Nathan

God’s hand in history is evident—if you know where to look! At a time when “progressive” thinkers seem determined to erase history, it is more important than ever to understand the events that helped build...

Stacked newspapers


  • Editorial Staff

Mark 13:37: “And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!

Gerald Weston

"Nothing Like a Good Pandemic!"

  • Gerald E. Weston

Will COVID-19 be enough to scare people back to reality, or will our world change beyond recognition?


Staying Connected in Isolation

  • Editorial Staff

This magazine has subscribers in remote parts of the world, including some in regions north of the Arctic circle. In this issue, we’d like to shine a light on the life of one of our subscribers living in...

Viruses under a microscope rendition

Just What Is a Virus?

  • Wallace G. Smith

COVID-19 has made viruses front-page news on a daily basis, but how many of us understand what they actually are? Is a virus alive or not? How do viruses work? How do they fit into the scheme of God’s...


Questions and Answers

  • Editorial Staff

This issue of Tomorrow's World presents you the answer to the difficult question "How can God be jealous?"


Letters to the Editor

  • Editorial Staff

Tomorrow's World wants to hear from you. Tell us what you think!


Why Do the UK, the U.S., Canada, and Australia Stand Together?

As the world watches China and Hong Kong struggle over differing definitions of freedom, and many nations express individual concern, why have four nations recently chosen to issue a joint statement disapproving of how events are unfolding in southeast Asia?
