| Tomorrow's World

Are You Easily Offended?

We all get offended at one time or another. And, very likely, we have offended someone ourselves. What does God want us to know about offenses?

One of the meanings of the word “offense” is “being annoyed or feeling resentment towards someone who has insulted or disregarded us.” People say or do things that hurt and anger us, whether inadvertently or intentionally. Our feelings may range from annoyance to anger, from mild irritation to great indignation, or from resentment to rage. Likewise, our words and actions may arouse these feelings in others.

Jeremiah 6:16: Seeking “The Old Paths”

Twitter is a popular way to communicate in this age of social media. In a few words, a person or organization can put out opinions, random thoughts, political positions, personal philosophy, or simply go on a rant about some pet peeve or complaint. In a matter of moments, these ideas can be “blasted” around the world. This popular, wide-open forum of communication can be abused since intentionally inaccurate information or perversion is often promoted, sometimes by prestigious individuals or organizations.

Will Freedom of Religion Disappear in Finland?

Finnish politician Päivi Räsänen is a physician and a Lutheran who has written on and spoken extensively about homosexuality and the Bible. Her views on homosexuality reflect the Bible’s clear teaching that homosexuality is a sin. As Jonathan Van Maren describes in a May 28 article for First Things, her position and writings on the matter have resulted in her being interrogated by Helsinki police on several occasions.

India and China Preparing for War?

Concerns are rising that the ongoing border dispute between India and China in the Himalayas will expand to include military action. At the end of May, many sources reported that troops on both sides have engaged the other in physical attacks, though both sides claim no shots have been fired and that altercations have been limited to clubs and stones, injuring dozens.

Is “The Big One” Coming?

News reports occasionally feature "The Big One"—the expectation of an earthquake of mammoth magnitude wreaking widespread destruction. What did Jesus say about earthquakes? Does the Bible foretell a massive earthquake striking the Earth in the last days?
