| Tomorrow's World

Sleep and the Coronavirus

With COVID-19 cases on the rise again and the commencement of flu season in the Northern Hemisphere, what can we do to increase the likelihood of staying healthy? Scientists and medical professionals have long known that sleep benefits the immune system and reduces the likelihood one will get sick.

End of American Space Dominance?

Currently, America owns or operates around half of the known satellites in space (Gatestone Institute, November 2, 2020). So far this year, the United States has essentially kept up with China in terms of newly launched satellites. However, in March 2021, China plans to begin launching new satellites into space at a rate of about one every 14 days. The balance of space power could be shifting.

The Risk of WWIII

The head of Britain’s armed forces has warned, “Current global uncertainty and anxiety amid the economic crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic could risk another world war,” and that “an escalation in regional tensions and errors of judgment could ultimately lead to widespread conflict” (Reuters, November 8, 2020). 

EU Military Independence

“After four years of hostility towards NATO by U.S. President Donald Trump, the EU, led by France, wants to become a stand-alone military power… strong enough to fight on its own” (Reuters, November 19, 2020).

The Danger of Itching Ears

Having itching ears is an ancient malady. It is not a disease, per se, but it is a condition, and it can develop unless steps are taken to prevent it. Numerous warnings about it are in the Bible, especially for the latter times in which we are now living.
