| Tomorrow's World

Who Will Rule Our Future?

Who Will Rule Our Future?

As the United States reevaluates its place on the world stage in a time of economic and social calamities at home and abroad, and as increasing numbers question the nation’s ability to withstand internal and external forces arrayed against its history and long-held values, where will the world find leadership in the decades ahead?

2021 August Issue

Who Will Rule Our Future?

Who Will Rule Our Future?

  • Richard F. Ames (1936-2024)

As the United States reevaluates its place on the world stage in a time of economic and social calamities at home and abroad, and as increasing numbers question the nation’s ability to withstand internal...

Why Work?

Why Work?

  • Rod McNair

With the right understanding, you can turn your work from a curse into the blessing God intended!

In Our Own Image

In Our Own Image

  • Wallace G. Smith

Our efforts at playing God in the realm of artificial intelligence have taught us something important about what it is to be human.

Wallet on a wooden table

Inflation: Is Your Wallet Shrinking?

  • Roger Meyer

Modern economics reminds us of a valuable lesson from Scripture.

Taj mahal in sunset

India’s Coronavirus Crisis

  • Timothy Mager

In the face of COVID-19—and worse plagues to come—is there hope for one of the most densely populated nations on the planet?



  • Editorial Staff

Mark 13:37 | “And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!

Presiding Evangelist: Gerald Weston

A Matter of Faith

  • Gerald E. Weston

How strong is your faith in the face of trials? Would it surprise you to know that the key to strong faith may not be to witness miracles but in diligent, heartfelt obedience to God and His laws?


An Eggs-quisite Invention

  • Stuart Wachowicz

What can a humble egg carton teach us about how God’s commandments protect us?

Chemical dripping into tubes

The Walking Human Pharmacy

  • Bryan Fall

The life of every human being depends on a delicate and complex dance of an incomprehensible array of chemicals and processes that did not come together by chance.


Questions and Answers

  • Editorial Staff

How can you know which church is the real one?


Letters to TW

  • Editorial Staff

Tell us what you think!


Europe to Counter China

China is developing a vast geographical infrastructure known as the Belt and Road Initiative, creating a new Silk Road. This project uses shipping, port development, railroads, and highways to increase global trade and generate trade revenue for China. In the last decade, China has spent massive amounts of financial and physical resources on this effort.

A Hidden Pandemic

The British medical journal The Lancet recently reported that, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, “1.5 million children around the globe have lost a parent, guardian or grandparent who helped care for them” (The Hill, July 21, 2021).

The War Against Knowledge

Nearly 70 years ago Dr. Hilda Neatby sounded a warning about what she saw as a developing movement to change schools from places of learning, and the transmission of knowledge, to centres where students would become easily engineered to accept new ways of shaping society, free of the restraints imposed by Biblical morality.
