| Tomorrow's World

"Something Wicked This Way Comes..."

“Something wicked this way comes,” said the second witch in Shakespeare’s play Macbeth, act 4, scene 1. Macbeth is a play about the evils of unrestrained ambition and murder.

What Is the Mark of the Beast?

Whiteboard: What Is the Mark of the Beast?

The book of Revelation describes a time when the vast majority of people in the world will receive a mark… a mark that will directly impact the rest of their life… and only a few know what the mark is.

France Before Europe

A recent court ruling in Poland determined the Polish constitution has precedence over some European Union laws (Politico, October 8, 2021). While some leaders warn that this action is an attack on Europe and risks a “de facto exit” from the Union, such actions are not limited to this independent-minded EU nation.

Will Debt Help Destroy America?

Writing for the Gatestone Institute on October 12 and October 18, investor Lawrence Kadish made some sobering observations for anyone concerned about the future of the United States.

China-U.S. Tempers Flare

Over a recent four-day period, China flew 150 aircraft within Taiwan’s defense zone (BBC, October 5, 2021). Taiwan’s air force went on high alert and its president warned that Taiwan would “do whatever it takes to defend itself,” while China cautioned the United States against “supporting and ‘inflating’ Taiwan separatist forces.”
