| Tomorrow's World

When All Else Fails… Read the Instructions!

“When all else fails, read the instructions” is an expression of inestimable—yet grossly underrated—wisdom. It is a tendency of human nature to assume we know how to do something without needing to be instructed. We soon find out through failure that we do.

It is intriguing that, male or female, or young or old, there is something in our human nature that seeks to be independent and self-sufficient. We don’t like to be told what to do, which usually leads to problems or serious failures.

Foundations of Western Culture: Joseph

Joseph is one of the most powerful and faithful individuals of whom we have record. His descendants would inherit the lion's share of the blessings promised to Abraham. His is a story of perseverance and virtue and has had a lasting impact on Western Culture.

Foundations of Western Culture: Jacob

The unprecedented attacks on the pillars of Western culture on the part of ill-educated but vocal, and sometimes violent woke movements, seek to discredit the present social order that has been a great blessing and benefit within our borders and to the world at large. In our 3rd part to this series examining the lasting impact of the Biblical patriarchs, we turn our attention to Jacob.

Foundations of Western Culture: Abraham & Isaac

Any information drawn from the Bible is now largely scorned in the secular community, but to understand the roots of our modern Western society, its history, its ethical and moral principles, the content of the Biblical text needs to be known. This video continues to explore the cultural impact of Abraham as well as his son, Isaac.

Foundations of Western Culture: Abraham

Over the past generation, the knowledge and stories related by the Bible that once formed a framework for our laws, literature and even our scientific advances have been lost. Thus, we have a growing population that has been effectively quarantined from the foundation of our culture and immersed in anti-social nihilistic rhetoric, leaving most people adrift without moral or cultural moorings. One ancient figure whose impact in establishing the foundation for Western Culture is the Biblical Abraham.

