| Tomorrow's World

The Queen: A Royal Vocation

Queen Elizabeth II walking

In a world beset with constant strife, what is the value of one venerable monarch’s tireless example?

The Dangerous “Times of the Gentiles”

Dome of the rock

“Jerusalem: Trampled by Gentiles!” is not a headline anyone would expect to see in the news today, but in the Bible, it is a sure prophecy. Do you understand its real meaning?

2022 January Issue

Dome of the rock

The Dangerous “Times of the Gentiles”

  • Richard F. Ames (1936-2024)

“Jerusalem: Trampled by Gentiles!” is not a headline anyone would expect to see in the news today, but in the Bible, it is a sure prophecy. Do you understand its real meaning?

Woman running at sunset willpower concept

Power to Prevail

  • Rod McNair

Do you want to have more willpower? You can—if you rely on the ultimate source of power!

Mother kissing sleeping baby

Seven Lies About Abortion

  • Wallace G. Smith

Abortion is often sold using popular falsehoods, and the consequences to self and society are worse than many have been led to believe. What is the truth about abortion, and will society ever be free from...

EU flag for Schuman Concept

The “Venerable” Robert Schuman

  • VG Lardé

What does the founding of the European Union—and its architects—have to do with Bible prophecy?

Janus statue

The Two Faces of New Year’s Celebration

  • Gary F. Ehman (1937–2021)

Have you taken an honest look at the traditions behind the revelries?

Queen Elizabeth II walking

The Queen: A Royal Vocation

  • John Meakin

In a world beset with constant strife, what is the value of one venerable monarch’s tireless example?

Editor in Chief: Gerald E. Weston

The Elect and the Salvation of All Mankind

  • Gerald E. Weston

Did Jesus die for everyone, or just the “elect”?



  • Editorial Staff

Mark 13:37 | “And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!

X-ray image of hand for bones concept

Your Living Bones

  • Bryan Fall

Though you rarely see them as you go about your day, your bones really are an amazing display of God’s creative power at work!

Questions and Answers

Questions and Answers

  • Editorial Staff

Is abortion a sin? Does the Bible really teach that abortion is murder?

Letters to TW

Letters to TW

  • Editorial Staff

Tell us what you think!


Weather Extremes Should Be Expected

Weather patterns around the globe in 2021 seemed incredibly severe, and at the same time, confusing. In fact, the contrast has even surprised some scientists who have seen severe flooding in places like China, across Asia, and in European mountain villages (The Conversation, December 21, 2021), while at the same time, intensifying droughts plagued Canada, Greece, Australia, and the U.S.

Myanmar Military Killings: A Need for Righteous Government!

How badly does this world need the return of Jesus Christ? Many reading this news item live comfortably and in relative peace. However, we need to consider the living conditions of our fellow men and women around the globe. The BBC recently completed an investigation in Myanmar, which experienced another a military coup back last February.
