Magazine Articles | Tomorrow's World

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May-June 2018

The Works of His Hands

The Apostle Paul wrote to his audiences in the first century describing their destiny to inherit “all things”—the universe—pointing out that, at this time, we do not yet see the fullness of that inheritance brought under man’s control (Hebrews 2:...

Questions and Answers

An unhealthy focus?

Letter to the Editor

I want to thank you ever so much for the very informative DVD entitled “The Antichrist and the Beast of Revelation” that I received. As soon as I reached my home, I sat down and played the first section of it and found it extremely interesting. ...

March-April 2018

Cover Story

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and the like were supposed to bring all of us together. Instead, they are dividing our society and reshaping our minds.

Feature Story

The series continues: Motivated by the passions and ambitions of King Henry VIII, England joins the revolt against the religious authority of the pope.

Article 1

Some claim He is only a myth, while others say He was merely a man. But who was the real Jesus Christ? And what does His life and message mean today?

Tomorrow’s Youth

One of the biggest challenges facing young people and their parents today is how to approach education after high school. For most families in America and much of the world, going to college has become synonymous with taking the first step toward...

London Calling

As an eight-year-old, my late father-in-law watched the Battle of Britain unfold in the skies over the south of England—an air battle waged for the very survival of the nation. Inspired by this boyhood experience, he entered the Royal Air Force (...


This past year, I had the opportunity to team up with the Northeast Regional Pastor of the Living Church of God, Jonathan McNair, to give a live Tomorrow’s World presentation in Manhattan, New York. These presentations are opportunities...

Turning Points in World History

Driven by a sense of purpose and destiny, the United States spreads coastto-coast. Was an unseen hand at work?
