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July-August 2018

The Works of His Hands

Believe it or not, some scientists suggest that the octopus is not originally from Earth! What can we learn from this remarkable creature?

Questions and Answers
Questions and Answers

Lazarus and the Rich Man

Letters to the Editor
Letter to the Editor

Thank you. I was asking God to reveal to me the one true church that leads to Him. I never asked Him this before now. Here you are as an answer. [Written in response to the free booklet,...

May-June 2018

Cover Story

Abortion remains one of the most controversial topics of our time. But the facts about it are clear—and they are coming from surprising sources.

Feature Story

Our series on the Reformation comes to a climactic review of the surprising, and often unreported, violent tactics of the reformers.

Article 1

Is traditional Christianity the same as biblical Christianity? If it weren’t, how would you know? You need to see for yourself!

Article 2

The famous astrophysicist Stephen Hawking died on March 14, 2018 at age 76. His contributions to science and cosmology have pioneered significant developments in understanding our universe. And yet he had a yearning to learn even more about the...

London Calling

Britain’s much-loved and esteemed National Health Service is at the breaking point. A completely different outlook is needed.


Billy Graham has been called America’s Pastor. He was a religious giant in America and was loved and respected by millions around the world. According to an ABC News report, he preached to more than 210 million people in 185...

Oh Canada!

What does it reveal about our society when “religion” has become a “dirty word,” even among the religious?
