Magazine Articles | Tomorrow's World

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November-December 2017


How often most of us have heard others say, “Experience is the best teacher.” But is it? Experience is certainly one way to learn, and for many it is a sure teacher. This is because experience is often painful, and we generally do not want to...

Oh Canada!

Sometimes we put our faith in the wrong things, and the right things surprise us!

The Works of His Hands

The Bible tells us that, before man was created, our planet was “without form and void”—an utter ruin and an uninhabitable wasteland (Genesis 1:2). Yet God restored it and made it a beautiful paradise for humanity, filled with life, in only ...

Questions and Answers

What is an “antichrist”?

Letter to the Editor

I am writing mainly to thank you very much for the noble task you are doing in enlightening the world through your free literature and magazines. I have been studying the Bible for quite some time. I even have an undergraduate degree from a...

September-October 2017

Cover Story

The world order that has prevailed since World War II is disintegrating. Tensions between nuclear-armed powers is growing, and the possibility of global warfare seems higher than it has been in decades. The Bible reveals that “World War III” is,...

Feature Story

It is vital that we understand the mistakes we sometimes make as parents that influence our children in ways we might not have anticipated.

Article 1

Was the Protestant movement a sincere attempt to restore New Testament Christianity? Do the “fruits” show that it was motivated and guided by the Spirit of God? Read the startling TRUTH in this fourth installment of Dr. Roderick C. Meredith’s...

Tomorrow’s Youth

Do you have a family cow? It’s quite likely that you don’t, and it’s likely that none of your neighbors do either. But if you lived in the 18th or 19th centuries, chances are you’d have a cow, a horse, or maybe an ox. You’d probably have some...

London Calling

Last year, the Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards (DofE) for young people entered its 60th year. In all that time it has become phenomenally successful, and has grown to be the world’s leading youth achievement award. Meanwhile, the Duke of Edinburgh,...
