Magazine Articles | Tomorrow's World

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September-October 2019

Tomorrow’s Youth

A comment on Twitter recently caught my eye: “Sure, kids cost roughly $14,000 annually, but think about all the money you save from no longer having a social life.” It was tongue-in-cheek, but correct—kids are expensive!

A 2017 U....

5G—Revolution or Catastrophe?
London Calling

Have you heard about 5G? If you have, do you understand what it involves and what it might mean for you and your family? If you use a smartphone—and even if you do not—you should be concerned, because it’s quite likely 5G will be coming to where...

Article Image: The Ride Is Almost Over

A dear friend, now deceased, once told me that a few of his northern buddies gave him a hard time about his North Carolinian accent. “I don’t understand,” he said with his country wisdom. “Everyone has to come from some place.”

How right...

Article Image: History’s Ultimate Turning Point
Turning Points in World History

Throughout this series of “Turning Points” articles, we have explored a major missing dimension in our modern view of the world and our understanding of history. While many today doubt that God exists, we have repeatedly shown...

Canada Repudiates Its Legal Foundation
Oh Canada!

Many take issue with the presence of biblical principles in public matters. Yet the Bible has long been a fundamental part of our legal systems.

Article Image: Questions and Answers
Questions and Answers

Should you ever consult clairvoyants?

Question: Is it ever acceptable to seek information from “clairvoyants” such as psychics, mediums, or fortune-tellers? Many people seem to receive great help and comfort from such...

Article Image: Letters to the Editor
Letter to the Editor

Thank you so much for this article [“Why Observe Easter?,” March-April 2019] and the “Easter” booklet. I’ve been trying to explain to family/friends why we should stop following man-made traditions. Your work and these articles are so beneficial...

July-August 2019

Cover Story

Fifty years ago, men first stepped on the moon. It was a remarkable achievement, but what comes next? What is the next “giant leap” for mankind?

Feature Story

 Society is changing, and taking a stand against what you know is wrong requires a special courage. Are you ready to put everything on the line?

Article 1

An ancient source of wisdom, supported by findings in science and medicine, says we need to change our habits and rethink what we consider to be “food.”
