Magazine Articles | Tomorrow's World

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January-February 2020

Common Law vs. Napoleonic Code
Oh Canada!

In the year 1666, the Great Fire of London destroyed more than 13,000 properties covering an area of 436 acres. The narrow pathways and streets that snaked through the city made it easy for the fire to spread quickly among buildings that were...

The Works of His Hands

It was declared in headlines around the globe, but what does it even mean? And what impact could this achievement have in our lives today, and in the years to come?

Is My Baptism Valid?
Questions and Answers

Question: I was baptized years ago, so at first, when your magazine and your telecast talked about the need for baptism, I assumed it did not apply to me. Now, after reading your literature, I am beginning to wonder whether I was...

Letters to the Editor
Letter to the Editor

Tell us what you think!

November-December 2019

Article Image for The Rise of Modern Paganism
Cover Story

Ancient nature religions, long thought dead by many, are reemerging across Western nations. Why is this happening? And what does it portend?

Feature Story

Christmas is one of the most popular holidays in the world, yet few are familiar with its history—and fewer still with God’s thoughts on the matter.

Article 1

History is littered with the broken and dusty remains of once-great empires that no longer exist. Can today’s nations learn the lessons their predecessors ignored?

Read It for What It Really Says
Article 2

Do we read what the Bible says, or what we think it says?

People misread things all the time. Instructions say, “Do this,” but people read, “Do that,” because they are distracted, they have their mind on...

London Calling

 The invention of the World Wide Web changed the world. But this staple of modern life has taken a dark turn, and its inventor hopes to save it.

Watch and Warn

During His ministry on earth, Jesus Christ emphasized the need to watch the times in which we live and to pray we would be ready for His return: “And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!” (Mark 13:37). On these pages, we plan to keep you...
