Magazine Articles | Tomorrow's World

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May-June 2019

One Man, One Woman: One Happy Marriage!
Article 1

We all want a happy marriage, but is it possible? Yes it is! Put these principles into practice and discover the marriage you have always wanted.

Why Gender Confusion?
Article 2

Male and female He created them.

Is gender really a matter of choice? God’s teachings clearly tell us otherwise. Years ago, a commercial featured a little boy and girl having a conversation about taking photographs. A...

Rushing to Judgment
Article 3

The modern world ignores ancient wisdom.

Many people today are quick to condemn others when they hear or see an accusation, even if proof is lacking. Social media lights up like an electrical storm, filled with hateful...

Brexit: Britain’s Nightmare Divorce
London Calling

The effort to remove Britain from the European Union is proving far more formidable than many anticipated. Why? And where do we go from here?


Most of you reading this live in safe, stable neighborhoods—some of you have lived in the same home for decades. Many enjoy the stability of a long-time residence, sending their children to local schools, knowing and trusting the neighbors, and...

The “Global South” vs. the Liberal West
Turning Points in World History

Many are familiar with the tremendous impact of professing Christian evangelism in spreading the Bible and Judeo-Christian values around the globe. Such efforts have influenced developing cultures for over four centuries. Many missionaries and...

Debtor Nation
Oh Canada!

The clock ticks at an astonishing rate. Numbers in the far right column change before they can even be read. Higher and higher they go. This is no ordinary clock. It is a “debt clock” that allows viewers to watch as Canada...

There’s a Hole in the Bucket
The Works of His Hands

An unusual relationship between an odd orchid and its bee accomplice has much to teach us about whether the world is an accident or the work of a Designer.

Questions and Answers
Questions and Answers

The Difficult Way and the Light Burden

Question: If the gate is narrow and the way difficult, as Jesus Christ stated in Matthew 7:13–14, then how could His yoke be easy and His burden light (Matthew 11:30)? Please...

Letter to the Editor

I first saw your literature at a doctor’s office, started reading it, and was so impressed by it that I asked the lady at the desk if I could take it with me. Then I received a magazine from a friend who picked it up and gave it to me because he...
