Magazine Articles | Tomorrow's World

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March-April 2020

Cold War Secrets, Broken Arrows, and the Fate of Humanity Article Image
Cover Story

Cold War documents, kept secret for decades, reveal how startlingly close our planet came to nuclear Armageddon! As the world takes greater and greater risks with weapons of unimaginable ferocity, Bible prophecy reveals the true future ahead of...

Does God Exist? How Can You Know? Article Image
Feature Story

In a secular world full of skeptics, is God relevant anymore? Is He an obsolete idea, or a living Creator with whom you can have a real relationship? The good news is that God is not just real—He is alive, and He is waiting for you to make...

Seven Steps to Happiness Article Image
Article 1

Countless people spend their lives searching for happiness and contentment, but how many ever find it? What if someone gave you concrete physical and spiritual steps you can take to be a happier person?

Fun and Fulfillment Article Image
Article 2

We all need play. But we all need more than play, too.

"Clean Up Your Mess!": Raising Responsible Children Article Image
Tomorrow’s Youth

Let’s be honest with ourselves: We’ve all heard it from our parents in one form or another. How many times did your mother tell you, “Clean up your mess”?

London Calling

Ever since the Acts of Union in 1707 brought the kingdoms of Scotland and England together as Great Britain, Scotland has borne a somewhat strained relationship with her more powerful neighbour to the south. In 2007, when the Scottish National...

NewsWatch Article Image
Watch and Warn

Mark 13:37 | And what I say to you, I say to all; Watch!

Gerald Weston

“There is a cause for every effect” is a simple axiom, yet how many truly consider it, much less understand it? How many realize that personally applying such practical wisdom can transform their lives?

I was about 20 years old when this...

Oh Canada! Article Image
Oh Canada!

How have abortion, the war on traditional family values, and the rise of questionable moral behavior contributed to the shrinking population growth in Western countries—and beyond?

God’s Creative Power Behind the Brainless Genius of the Sponge Article Image
The Works of His Hands

Most of us think of sponges as everyday household items. Their softness and absorbency make them versatile tools for cleaning our bodies, floors, and dishes, and for applying paint to our walls. Although the sponges we use today are likely to be...
