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May-June 2020

Bats looking down
Feature Story

What causes coronavirus and other deadly outbreaks? Can we prevent them? Does the Bible hold important keys for overcoming the global challenge of infectious disease? Can religion play a role in promoting health and preventing illness? You’ll...

Happy family

In a time of widespread fear, people are searching for peace, health, and security. But are they searching in the right place, and are they seeking the ultimate source of true prosperity? There are clear promises of God in the Bible—you need to...

Covid 19 letter blocks on coins
Article 1

Pestilence and pandemics are mentioned in Bible prophecy, and they infect the global economy along with the world population. How could this coronavirus outbreak affect entire nations for years to come?

The Bible’s Health Laws vs. Coronavirus
Article 2

The COVID-19 crisis exposes the "role of the bowl" in our global illnesses, showing that sometimes what's eating you is a matter of what you're eating.

Plague doctor walking
Article 3

Knowing what is ahead and what it all means goes beyond simply understanding the Book of Revelation. Many parts of Bible prophecy speak of pestilence and tribulation in the end times. Will a deeper knowledge of these future events help lead you...

Small family
Tomorrow’s Youth

God's Principles can bring peace of mind and help you guide your children through the coronavirus pandemic.

Big Ben
London Calling

The day the United Kingdom finally Left the European Union will be a date to remember in a turbulent year of change.

Presiding Evangelist Gerald Weston

Is the COVID-19 pandemic a wake-up call? How can you survive the stress and make sense of what is happening in our world today? And who can you turn to for answers?

Soldiers marching
Oh Canada!

What does it say about us when hoarding toilet paper and hand sanitizer really is our best pre-crisis planning?

Letter to the Editor

Read these responses from Tomorrow's World readers around the globe, and don't hesitate to tell us what you think! We'd like to hear from you.
