Magazine Articles | Tomorrow's World

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January-February 2007

Prophecy Comes Alive

Bible prophecies have long foretold that just before Jesus Christ returns to the earth, the world will witness the revival of a European power with roots going back to the ancient Roman Empire (Daniel 2:28, 40–45).

Questions and Answers

Question: Does the Bible teach that a Christian must not drink alcoholic beverages?

Letter to the Editor

I wanted to mention that I appreciate the prophetic articles by Douglas S. Winnail concerning the modern Israelite nations. I appreciate how Mr. Winnail continues to prove his points from each and every angle. Thanks, Tomorrow's World,...

November-December 2006

Cover Story

The "housing bubble" may finally be bursting. Inflation is rising. Wages are stagnant. Jobs are harder and harder to find. Amid this uncertainty, there is a way to achieve genuine financial security—if you will follow God's instructions!

Feature Story

Would you like to live in a better world? Mankind has spent millennia looking for a perfect society—a utopia—where all can live in peace and happiness. Why has it always gone wrong? Will we ever have utopia on this earth?


Why is the Bible a mystery to so many people today? Why do professing Christians who read the same Bible develop so many different ideas about doctrine? Why do ministers fail to preach what the Bible plainly states? Why is modern "Christianity"...

Article 1

Nobody likes to admit that he has been conned. But your Bible warns that Satan wants to con you out of your most precious possession. Do you recognize Satan's greatest deceptions—and how you can avoid them?

Article 2

Everyone has heard of Harry Potter. You may even know a few Wiccans who worship "the goddess." Yet few realize that a pagan revival is extending to where you might least expect it—to churches calling themselves "Christian"!

Article 3

Are recent weather catastrophes the fault of "global warming"? Are they random shifts in a long-standing weather pattern? Or is there something more significant behind the increase in severe weather events around our world?

Tomorrow’s Youth

Popular culture proclaims the twin messages of "free sex" and "safe sex," and high schools hand out free condoms. But the question remains, "Is sex outside of marriage either free or safe?" If not, what is the best approach? Do sex education...
