Magazine Articles | Tomorrow's World

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March-April 2007

Prophecy Comes Alive

This revival will be aided by a church led by an influential religious figure (Daniel 7:7–8; Revelation 13; 17). These prophecies are coming alive in news-making events today!

Questions and Answers

Question: Which is more important: the person of Jesus Christ, or the gospel He preached?

Letter to the Editor

January-February 2007

Cover Story

Can any nation long endure? For more than 200 years, the United States and British-descended nations have been at the forefront of world power and influence—but that influence seems to be waning. What does this mean for individual Christians—and...

Feature Story

Many who call themselves Christians have no idea of what God has planned for their future. They do not realize that the Bible explains how Christians today are preparing for a joyous future, filled with meaningful activity, in the Kingdom of God...

Article 1

Are you finding joy and fulfillment in your work? Does your work have a purpose? Scripture gives vital guidelines to help you make the most of your work, and to understand it as part of God's plan for all humanity.

Article 2

Human beings may say they want peace, but their actions again and again lead to war. Mankind's best efforts to bring about a world free of conflict and suffering have inevitably failed—but your Bible reveals that a time of world peace is coming...

Article 3

The pace of modern life puts great strain on our relationships. Acquaintances come and go. Friendships are put to the test. Are you doing all you can to be a true friend to others—and to make friends with the truest friend of all?

Watch and Warn

Many of today's wars are over control of the dwindling supplies of natural resources needed to keep nations' economies afloat—and their people alive. As population pressures grow in arid parts of the globe, nations are even competing for the most...


The U.S. is not alone in its disrespect for women. In China, an official "one child per family" policy has resulted in millions of little baby girls being aborted before birth, or murdered shortly after birth. A similar pattern occurs in India,...
