Magazine Articles | Tomorrow's World

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May-June 2007

Prophecy Comes Alive

Some modern writers and scholars are suggesting that these fundamental teachings of Christianity are only myths and fables. Skeptics have postulated that Jesus was not divine, that He married and had a child—and that He did not rise from the dead...

Questions and Answers

Question: Jesus said, "Do you not perceive that whatever enters a man from outside cannot defile him, because it does not enter his heart but his stomach, and is eliminated, thus purifying all foods?" (Mark 7:18-19). Does this...

Letter to the Editor

March-April 2007

Cover Story

If the United States cannot create a democratic regime in Iraq, will militant Islam gain the upper hand? What do world history and Bible prophecy tell us about the consequences of U.S. failure in this troubled region?

Feature Story

How do you picture yourself spending eternity? Will you roll around on a cloud, harp in hand, all day? Your Bible reveals the amazing truth about the fulfilling and meaningful activity God is planning for you in His Kingdom!

Article 1

The book of Revelation describes a mysterious time known as the Day of the Lord. What is it, when is it, and how long will it last? And what will it mean for you and your family? Your Bible has the answer!

Article 2

Does global warming signal the end of the world? Does alarming global climate change relate to Bible prophecy? The truth of the matter may surprise you!

Article 3

God reveals beauty in our lives in ways we may not always recognize. His gifts remain precious even in a world that often rejects them.

Tomorrow’s Youth

All we know about her is that she is a psychiatrist who works in the counseling center of a large well-known American university, that she is a voice crying out against the ills of her profession, and that she is afraid of losing her job if she...


Why do you go to a particular church? In fact, why go to church at all? Most importantly, what would the living God have you do?
