Magazine Articles | Tomorrow's World

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July-August 2008

Prophecy Comes Alive

Britain's leaders, in their attempts to pull their nation into the European Union, have traded away much of the British gold reserve to Europe, have given up sovereignty over British fishing waters, and have agreed to allow EU laws and courts to...

Questions and Answers

Question: Matthew's gospel records that after Jesus' resurrection, "the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised" (Matthew 27:52). Did these people go to heaven? Please explain what...

Letter to the Editor

I love your magazine! My husband has been receiving it for quite a while. I am sorry to say I never paid much attention to it. But the cover of the May-June 2008 issue...

May-June 2008

Cover Story

Is our planet in peril? Is our universe doomed to a finite end? What is the point of our present physical existence, if it will all come to an end someday? You may be amazed to learn the truth of the matter!

Feature Story

Millions today call themselves Christians but doubt the literal reality of Jesus Christ's prophesied return. What can we learn from Scripture and world events that may change our view of Jesus' often-discussed but rarely understood promise?

Article 1

Do mothers still play an important role in the family—and in society? In an era of single parents and two-income households, what is the future of motherhood? What can a mother do to give her children the foundation they need for success?

Article 2

Have the Western nations prospered by chance? Has some aspect of their character or environment made the difference? Or is Almighty God working, behind the scenes, to accomplish His purpose?

Article 3

An early morning shock provides a surprising view of an age-old problem.

Watch and Warn

"Water, water, everywhere, nor any drop to drink."


Few realize that—partly because of democracy—the U.S. is headed for a financial catastrophe unless major changes occur!
