Magazine Articles | Tomorrow's World

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November-December 2008

Prophecy Comes Alive

Most scholars today dismiss these reports as myths, and condescendingly point to what they consider the lack of solid evidence that these tribes exist today. What of the idea that the peoples of Western Europe and the British Isles are part of...

Questions and Answers

Question: I was baptized years ago, so at first when your magazine and your telecast talked about baptism, I assumed it did not apply to me. Now, after reading your literature, I am beginning to wonder whether I was properly...

Letter to the Editor

I happened to come across your magazine at my mother's house. I was deeply enlightened, renewed and encouraged reading the articles. I told my brother about it, and...

September-October 2008

Cover Story

John McCain is widely honored as a war hero for the suffering he endured in a North Vietnamese prison camp. Barack Obama inspires his supporters like few politicians since John F. Kennedy. As the United States prepares for an election that may...

Feature Story

Nearly one in five Americans has some kind of anxiety disorder. How are you coping with the stresses in your life? The Bible offers amazing tools for overcoming problems and obstacles and living the abundant life God wants you to have.

Article 1

What do Halloween, the Day of the Dead and All Souls Day have to do with Christianity? How should Christians view these days? Are they nothing more than occasions for festive celebration—or are they much, much more?

Article 2

Is Europe dying? It certainly is not reproducing itself, as birthrates have fallen far below replacement rates. European nations are relying on immigration to fill jobs—and to fill nurseries. What happens when immigrants' values are at odds with...

Article 3

Who is now the sovereign authority over Great Britain? By giving her Royal Assent to the Lisbon Treaty, Queen Elizabeth II has brought about an unprecedented change of tremendous unrecognized significance.

Watch and Warn

Not only is the U.S. losing its ability to shape world events; the U.S. is being shaped by other nations that are controlling its destiny from abroad.


Why do some churchgoers fail to recognize the very real God of the Bible, and fail to understand how He is right now causing the fulfillment of specific biblical prophecies that will massively affect our nations and our lives?
