Magazine Articles | Tomorrow's World

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March-April 2008

Prophecy Comes Alive

God inspired the prophet Zechariah to write, more than 2,500 years ago, that "it shall happen in that day that I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all peoples; all who would heave it away will surely be cut in pieces" (Zechariah 12:3)....

Questions and Answers

Question: I have come to realize that I have spent my whole life sinning against God. I am having trouble believing that He could ever forgive all the terrible things I have done. Is there any hope for me?


Letter to the Editor

For the several booklets I have already received in recent weeks, I am indeed grateful. In a short space of time I have learned more than I learned from the sermons I...

January-February 2008

Cover Story

What are the real causes of substance abuse? If you are trapped in an addiction, is there anything you can do to escape? Your Bible offers hope—and answers!

Feature Story

Does God accept the "gay lifestyle"? Though the mass media are pushing to make homosexuality seem healthy and normal, your Bible reveals the whole truth of the matter.

Article 1

What happens when you die? Countless millions hope to extend their physical lives— but for what purpose? Few truly understand the Bible's promise of eternal life—but you can!

Article 2

Is every day a day of worship? Are all worship days the same? Or has God set aside one day as special? Which day should you be setting aside to worship your Creator?

Article 3

Are young people just another demographic, waiting for advertisers to sell them on the latest consumer goods, lifestyles—or religions?

Watch and Warn

The world seems never to learn from history, but you can. God has not left us without a warning.


What are some of the specific events for which we should be "watching" as the end approaches?
