Commentary | Page 227 | Tomorrow's World


A time to remember...

  1. 09th February 2007
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

It can be cold and wet in December in the scenic valleys of Tennessee, but it is a beautiful setting nonetheless. Not much has changed here in a generation. It's not crowded. The old neighborhoods seem to be unchanging, a pleasant, quiet, small town, unhurried, unbothered in a time when most folks are bustling about.


Is Germany making a "right turn"?

  1. 05th February 2007
  2. Wallace G. Smith

During a time when Germany finds itself inching into the global spotlight as the leading nation of the European Union, its population is beginning to experience an interesting shift in its sentiments about who should have power and how that power should be wielded.


Five Minutes to Midnight

  1. 29th January 2007
  2. Richard F. Ames (1936-2024)

"Midnight," according to the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, represents global disaster—"the figurative end of civilization". On January 17, 2007, the Bulletin moved the clock from seven minutes (last set in 2002) to five minutes to midnight!


A Prediction for 2007

  1. 23rd January 2007
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

As the Roman calendar rolls forward another year, folks pause, if ever so briefly, to contemplate where they have been and where they are going. Uncertainty and unease about the future can be very unsettling. What will the new year bring? What can you expect in your life and on the world scene in the next 12 months?


The man who was afraid to die

  1. 16th January 2007
  2. Carl Ponder (1939-2007)

The dying man's last request was to be prayed for and anointed with oil as the Bible commands for healing. Old Mr. Brown (not his real name) had grown up on small farms. As an adult, he worked in the logging industry, sold stainless steel cookware, sold lawn and front porch furniture from the back of a pickup truck and worked in a factory in a nearby town....


What do you fear?

  1. 09th January 2007
  2. Don Davis

We are living in frightening times. Events taking place in our world today give people many reasons to be fearful. Our end-time generation faces the prospect of imminent calamities, on a global scale, unlike anything mankind has seen before in all of history. "For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until...


Why Europe Matters

  1. 07th January 2007
  2. Douglas S. Winnail

Remarkable events are taking place in Europe. Yet most people in America, Canada, Australia, Britain and other countries around the world are too busy and focused on too many things to notice. Developments in Europe are going to have a dramatic effect on the world in the future. We need to understand why these are occurring and where they are leading, because...


The ultimate battlefield

  1. 02nd January 2007
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Recently, I watched a documentary entitled Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West, which showed actual footage of Muslim extremists and their religious leaders using classic propaganda techniques to inflame their followers to hate Westerners, particularly Israelis, Americans and the British.


A lesson from a ruined postcard

  1. 26th December 2006
  2. Wallace G. Smith

The weather that we have experienced so far this winter has me harkening back to our first Missouri snowfall, last winter. Being Texans, it was a big deal to us, and since it was a very mild winter last year, it was the only accumulating snowfall that we had as a family.


Are you ready for Christmas?

  1. 19th December 2006
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

"Are you all ready for Christmas?" my dental hygienist cheerfully inquired as I headed for her chair, dreading the next half hour, as I dutifully went for my semi-annual dental cleaning.

