Commentary | Page 228 | Tomorrow's World


God strikes the British for their sins?

  1. 10th July 2007
  2. Carl Ponder (1939-2007)

Throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries the British were recognized as being basically moral and God-fearing. British civil servants were known to be fair minded, good and decent people in such far flung areas as India, East Africa, the Caribbean and other colonial outposts.


Who "hijacked" Christianity?

  1. 03rd July 2007
  2. Rand Millich

As reported by various national news services, one of the leading Presidential candidates spoke to the United Church of Christ national meeting in June. Illinois Senator Barack Obama stated: "Faith got hijacked, partly because of so-called leaders of the Christian Right, all too eager to exploit what divides us." He then referred specifically to issues such as...


What, me worry?

  1. 29th June 2007
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Remember the old MAD Magazine character, Alfred E. Neuman, whose line was "What, me worry?" It was a humorous spoof making light of the need to worry about anything. Worry is a mental exercise that all of us engage in, though some more than others. It doesn't produce anything. It uses up valuable time and resources, and it doesn't give us joy or peace of mind.


Ten really dumb ideas - #6

  1. 19th June 2007
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

#6. "Give us a king!" Here is another classic dumb idea of mankind. It all started right after the flood of Noah. You can read about it in Genesis 10:8-12. Nimrod, the great grandson of Noah, began to have people look to him for guidance and protection rather than relying on God. He built the first city-states and set the Babylonish pattern for mankind from that...


More good news…now the fish are dying!

  1. 30th May 2007
  2. Carl Ponder (1939-2007)

What is good about the fish dying, you say? Just this: it is another sign that the rule of Christ on the earth in the Kingdom of God is soon to begin! "Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near" (Luke 21:28).


Ten really dumb ideas … #7

  1. 25th May 2007
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Sex without responsibilities and without consequences Take a look at our society today. Sexual misconduct and sexual perversion is rampant. Movies, magazines, videos and the internet are dominated by sexually explicit content. Many thinking people are alarmed by the "sexualization" of so much of our society.


Has the weather gone haywire?

  1. 22nd May 2007
  2. Scott D. Winnail

An EF-5 tornado barreled through Greensburg, Kansas on the night of May 4, 2007. The super cell cut a path 1.5 miles wide, totally destroying the town and killing ten people (Wikipedia, May 17, 2007).

