Wallace G. Smith | Page 33 | Tomorrow's World

Wallace G. Smith

What is Truth?

Can the truth be found through science, philosophy or materialism? Does absolute Truth even exist? You need to know!

Creation vs. Evolution: Bill Nye and Ken Ham Are Both Wrong!

When science-advocate Bill Nye faced off in debate Tuesday night against Ken Ham, CEO of Answers in Genesis, the issue of creationism vs. evolution gained a rare degree of media scrutiny. Nye had called the teaching of creationism “a dangerous choice,” and promoters saw the opportunity for a profitable public event. Certainly much attention came to the subject. But, amid all the controversy, was there something that both participants missed?

What Is Truth?

Is there such a thing as “absolute truth”? Is truth relative, varying from person to person? Or is there a way to know the truth and apply it in your life? You need to know!

The Death of Marriage

Around the world, age-old assumptions about marriage are being ignored, challenged and even rejected. A growing movement seeks to redefine marriage entirely. How will this affect our world? How will it affect you?

What is Truth?

TW Short: What is Truth?
